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Abnormal Bleeding Specialist

Metro Health and Wellness LLC

Kirstie Cunningham, MD, FACOG, NCMP

Menopause Specialist located in Marietta, GA

Dr. Kirstie Cunningham is a Board Certified OB/GYN who serves Georgia residents living in the greater Atlanta area. At Metro Health and Wellness, the doctor and her staff provide individualized treatment plans for patients who have abnormal menstrual or uterine bleeding.

Abnormal Bleeding Q&A

What Causes Abnormal Bleeding?

Hormonal imbalances are the most common cause of abnormal uterine or menstrual bleeding. Fibroids and cysts may also increase bleeding. Infections and cancer that involve the uterus and cervix will also increase blood flow both during and in between periods. If cysts and fibroids, or health conditions like endometriosis continue to progress, the bleeding can become severe.

How is Abnormal Bleeding Treated?

In order to control abnormal bleeding, the doctor will first uncover the cause. Hormonal imbalances can cause or aggravate the majority of most women's health conditions. Hormone replacement therapy is the most common form of treatment if the health conditions are associated with any type of hormonal imbalance. Large cysts, fibroids, and endometriosis that have progressed to the point where they are affecting the patient's quality of life may need to be treated with surgery. Laparoscopic removal of the cysts and fibroids may help to control the abnormal bleeding. Procedures in which the lining of the uterus is scraped away may also help.

What is Anemia?

Anemia is a health condition in which the number of red blood cells in the body drops to dangerously low levels. Red blood cells are necessary to carry oxygen and nutrients to tissues throughout the body. If the number of red blood cells drop too low, the cells and tissues will begin to suffer leaving the body vulnerable to illness or injury. Anemia is often caused by hemorrhages or abnormal bleeding associated with women's menstrual periods. Anemia does not occur overnight. The loss of red blood cells occurs gradually. It can take several months of extremely heavy menstrual periods for the loss of red blood cells to reach dangerous levels.